Friday, 23 April 2010
Vitamin D deficiency
Always check with your doctor that you understand the instructions for your vitamin D supplement. It is important to take the medicine correctly especially when taking higher doses of vitamin D . The advantage of the higher dose vitamin D. treatment is that the vitamin D deficiency improves quickly. This can be very important in some cases. Standard dose tablets, powders and liquids can be taken every day for about 12 months in order to allow the body to make up for the missing vitamin D. This is a rather slow method of increasing vitamin d levels but is very suitable if the vitamin D deficiency is mild. It is also useful for the prevention of lower vitamin D levels. One drawback is that every one of these vitamin D supplement preparations contain either calcium or other vitamins. This leads to them having a strong taste which some people with low vitamin D levels dislike. Cod liver oil is an alternative that people who need to take a vitamin D supplement can consider.